Tranter Revolver Serial Numbers

Tranter English Revolver. This.44 caliber revolver, serial number 2800, features a five-shot cylinder, octagon barrel, side loading lever, and the double-action trigger mechanism, all made of iron. The iron front sight is the post style inlaid into the barrel flat. Tranter Percussion Revolvers: Tranter Single Trigger with Y-suffix serial number. Tranter Double Trigger with R-suffix serial number. Tranter Pre-first (A) +.
Tranter English Revolver Carried by a Confederate Officer in the 45th Alabama,.44 caliber, five shot cylinder, serial number 4987. William Tranter produced revolvers under license from Deane, Adams and Deane after producing frames for the firm. He improved on the Adams self-cocking trigger by incorporating a double-action trigger mechanism allowing for more accurate fire. This pistol bears a 6.25 inch barrel with mostly illegible engraving on the top, most likely retailer information. The serial number is stamped on the cylinder and proofmarks are between each nipple. The left side of the frame is stamped 'ADAMS PATENT' in an oval.
The left side of the barrel under the loading lever is stamped, 'CO. And the right side of the grips is marked, 'A.J.
The muster roll of Company E of the 45th Alabama Infantry Regiment as listed by Robert Horn in Men of the 45th Alabama Infantry Regiment lists one Bethune, A. With the following notation, 'Muster Roll, March, 20, 1862: Enlisted same date in Macon County by W.J. POW - Captured near Ackworth, Georgia, June 11, 1864, Sent to Louisville, to Camp Morton, arriving Camp Morton, July 1, 1864; transferred for exchange February 26, 1865.' Photographs of this pistol appear on page 71 of Firearms from Europe by David Noe, Larry W. Yantz and James B. This pistol, mechanically very good, retains some blue on the trigger and hammer with the balance turning a plum brown. Welcome to the New Lot Closing Notification Feature Subscribing to the Lot Closing Notification for an item will trigger our system to notify you about 5-10 minutes before the bidding closes.
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Tranter.230 Revolver The Tranter was a revolver invented around 1856 by English firearms designer (1816–1890). Originally operated with a special dual-trigger mechanism (one to rotate the cylinder and cock the gun, a second to fire it) later models employed a single-trigger mechanism much the same as that found in the contemporary. Early Tranter revolvers were generally versions of the various -designed revolver models, of which Tranter had produced in excess of 8000 revolvers by 1853. The first model of his own design used the frame of an Adams-type revolver, with a modification in the mechanism which he had jointly developed with James Kerr.
The first model was sold under the name Tranter-Adams-Kerr. Contents • • • • • • Design and operation [ ] The Tranter revolver was a 'solid-frame' design, very similar in appearance to the. Over the course of the 3 models Tranter developed, the only significant change was to the attachment of the ramrod- In the first model it was detachable, on the second model it was attached to the frame by a hook on the fixed barrel, and in the third model (1856) it was attached to the barrel by a screw.
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