The Psychology Of Winning Free Audio Download

The d I Psychology. DenisWaitley Nightingale O MCMWO(VII Copyright Nightingale Conant Corporation 7300 North Lehigh Avenue Niles, Illinois 60714 1-7WM7-0300 1-800-323-5552 rHE PSYCHOLOGY OF WINNING T here is often only a small difference between the top leaders in every field and those who merely 'do well.' In The Psychology of Winning, author-narrator Denis Waitley offers simple, yet profound principles shared by the great achievers of our time. Principles of thought and healthy behavior that guide men and women to the top in every field of endeavor. Principles that give you the winning edge in every situation. During your 'listening journey' into the innerspace of your virtually unexplored and largely untapped mental potential, you'll become aware of the wide-ranging studies of and in-depth research into every phase of human behavior that went into creating this dynamic audiocassette program.
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From Sigmund Freud's early exploration of the subconscious to Dr. Hans Selye's pioneering efforts in understanding stress.
From Abraham Maslow's 'Third Force' psychology to today's relaxation response, meditation and electronic biofeedback experiments. From the first attempt to clearly define personality traits and the hierarchy of human needs to the studies of astronauts, super-achievers and the latest findings of modern science. The Psychology of Winning presents the essence of this research in ten basic principles, the Ten Qualities of a Total Winner. All in straightforward, easily understood audio sessions for immediate use N T E s O N L I S T E N I N G, T H I N K I N G br D O I N G THE PSYCHOLOGY OF WINNING How THE PSYCHOLOGY OF WINNING Can Benefit You Most The final value to you of The Psychology of Winning depends on how many of its insights and guidelines you can, or choose to, adopt as permanent parts of your own growing personality. When you consider that even the most practiced listener picks up, reflects on, mulls over, and internalizes only a tiny portion of what he or she hears, it is clear that repeated listening is essential.
Try to listen to each cassette - especially those concerning personality areas in which you feel the desire to improve-as frequently as possible over a long period. You'll be surprised and delighted with the results. Jot Down Your Own Ideas While listening, keep pen and paper near, and be prepared to stop your cassette player. When an attitudelaction technique appeals to you, stop the tape.
Think about the idea, about its value to you-how it could change and improve your life. Think about how you can apply it. Visualize yourself doing it and making it pay off for you. Jot down notes to remind yourself of your thinking and to help you take action during the days ahead. Then re-start the tape and continue your listening.
Act on Your Ideas Until intelligent thought is linked with appropriate action and follow-through, there i s no real accomplishment. Once you've grasped the attitude1 action technique and how to apply it -ACT. Put it to work in your daily life. The results may seem slow and incremental at first.

But remember you're building something significant. You're building a successful human life.
If you are determined to stick with the program, you'll soon discover you are developing a truly effective system for coping with stressful physical and emotional confrontationsfor harmonizing with and leading others-for moving your life forward to greater expectationsand, perhaps, most important of all,for feeling the personal satisfaction which comes with setting new goals and achieving them on schedule. 0 U LITY N U M B E R O N E POSITIVE SELF-EXPECTANCY Synonyms: Optimism, hope, enthusiasm Antonyms: Pessimism, cynicism, despair Proverb: 'That which you fear or expect most will likely come to pass. The body manifests what the mind harbors.' Summary: The most identifiable quality of a total winner is an overall attitude of personal optimism and enthusiasm. Winners understand the psychosomatic relationship -psyche and soma; mind and body-and that the body expresses what concerns the mind.