Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Pc Full Rip Pc Games

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 Free Full Game Download Jun 22, 2013 admin Action/Adventure 4 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 is a third-person action-adventure video platform developed and published by LucasArts.
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Star Wars The Force Unleashed II Free Download Full Setup Star Wars The Force Unleashed II Free Download PC Game setup in single direct link for Windows. It is an awesome Action, Adventure game. Star Wars The Force Unleashed II PC Game Overview Holocrons return in this sequel and are scattered throughout each level. Finding one can lead to an upgrade in health or force energy, new lightsaber colors/powers, or even a new costume to equip you with. There is also a Challenge mode where the player can participate in a series of 10 challenges ranging from time trials to gauntlet trials (fighting waves of enemies). The faster you do the challenges, the higher of a score you will get; with the lowest being a Bronze medal and the highest being a Platinum medal. Doing the challenges also help to get new achievements/trophies.
Force Unleashed 2 begins with Vader walking into a large room with a prison cell in the middle. In it, is none other than Starkiller himself. Suffering from visions of a woman’s voice and a burning forest, Vader tells him that those are memories of a dead man, and that he is actually a clone of the original Starkiller. Vader gives him a test to strike down a few training droids and Starkiller abides, but when asked to take out one that looks like Juno Eclipse, his love interest in part one, he couldn’t do it.
System Requirements of Star Wars The Force Unleashed II Before you start Star Wars The Force Unleashed II Free Download make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements.