Signalizaciya Alligator 868 Mhz Instrukciya

One of the improvements realized in this system was the introduction of a module with a radio channel at 868 MHz. The sensor provides reliable communication.
It's not the first year in the automotive market.anti-theft systems there is a dense battle between traditional defense mechanisms and electronics. Adherents of mechanical locks, locks and stoppers indicate weak signaling points operating on the digital control platform. On the other hand, admirers of innovative security methods speak of the high degree of ergonomics of electronic systems and underscore the increased degree of protection against interference by 'jammers'. The capabilities of systems of this type are fully demonstrated by the domestic signaling system Pandora 5000. Reviews about this complex in some evaluation criteria are ambiguous, but in general they express confidence in the development functionality. General Alarm Information The system is based on programmable sensorsThe control is performed through the central controller. In some ways, this is a combination of mechanical compact blockers that activate their function when commands come from the user.
The interaction of the signaling infrastructure with the host is built on a wireless basis. The developers offer several communication channels, including GSM mobile communication, radio module, Internet service, etc. For example, for smartphones special applications are proposed, through which the alarm system 'Pandora 5000' is monitored. The reviews point out the convenience of this approach to management and the high degree of security in terms of unauthorized access to the option. Separate attention deserves the processor itself, which acts as a signal processor from the sensors and the user himself. The manufacturer integrated the 32-bit ARM processor into the complex, which works with CAN-bus. Also included in the communication RF-module for communication between the functional units, GPS-receiver and, perhaps, the most important part - blocking the radio relay, which prevents the launch of the engine by third parties.
Features of the modification New The basic version today is practically notIt is used, and the main complex is the modification New. The devices of this series are distinguished by an assembly of improved modern components, which were developed specifically for this model. The anti-theft tags, the central control unit, both key fobs and the RF module were updated. In terms of improving communication capabilities, the Pandora 5000 New alarm also received an option to synchronize with the smart clock and the GPS generation sensor NAV-04. In practice, using the differences of the new versionyou can feel in the range of the key fob, integrated display and advanced functionality for adjusting the interaction of control tools with the engine blocker. The developers have provided several configurations for the launch of the power unit.
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Thus, the alarm system 'Pandora 5000 New' provides step protection with different levels of program access. Modification Pro This series also has several principaldifferences from the standard platform. One of the improvements realized in this system was the introduction of a module with a radio channel at 868 MHz. The sensor provides reliable communication in conditions where it is not possible to broadcast commands over the GSM network. At the same time, the alarm system 'Pandora 5000 Pro' received more effective devices for filtering interference. Usually, the weak point of wireless systems is considered to be the risk of jamming, which can disrupt the interaction between individual signaling components. In this case, the filters form a supersmall signal bandwidth at a frequency of 2.5 kHz, which minimizes the probability of a third-party intrusion into the network.
Also implemented in the complex navigation modulesGLONASS and GPS. Sensors for communication with satellites have long been not a curiosity in car alarm systems, but in this case they provide increased accuracy in determining the coordinates of the object. If you need to not only learn about the location of the machine, but also give a command to its electronics, then in this case will help signaling 'Pandora 5000'. The testimonies show that even at long distances where there is no reception of a GSM network, navigation systems help to get out of the situation without extra efforts. Installation requirements The manufacturer recommends mountingwork with the connectors off the device, and after disconnecting the negative battery terminal. The installation of the CAN bus is also realized provided that the central control unit of the complex was initially disconnected.
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