Primeri Na Perevod Edinic Izmereniya 4 Klass

Primeri Na Perevod Edinic Izmereniya 4 Klass 3,5/5 4122 reviews

4 April 2015 SOURCE wingsofnight: lightedwindows replied to your post “Give me two shows and one word and I’ll write a crossover drabble.” Ncisla, fringe, couch. “Uh, Kens?” “What?” she yells, the word obfuscated by the toothbrush hanging from her mouth. “You’ve gotta come in here. Like, right now.” She finishes brushing, spits and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.

She pads barefoot to her living room, tugging at the edge of her underwear as she goes. “What’s so impo-” She stops herself, her legs completely abandoning their course. “What the hell?” Deeks is standing in her living room, and her couch is there, but it’s not her couch, it’s - “Did you do this?” “What, buy you a new couch?

No.” He runs his hands through his hair. “It’s doing it by itself.” She moves closer to him. Archives loot boxes. “Doing what by itself?” There’s a flicker, light wavers, wiggles almost - and then her couch is back, just as it was before she left the room.

Aug 18, 2016 -

“That,” he says. “Oh, that.” There’s a knock on the door. Deeks looks at her, his face contorted in confusion that mirrors his own, before opening the door to reveal a man and a woman in matching FBI windbreakers. “FBI Agent Olivia Dunham,” says the woman. We were wondering if -” The flicker happens again and her couch is once again replaced by the couch that is not her own but actually might be an upgrade.

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Kensi frowns. “That answers that,” the woman says, smiling. “Mind if we come in?” Deeks steps back from the door. “Yeah, sure, just, uh, we’re federal agents.

She has a,” he waves his hand in Kensi’s direction, still too baffled to actually form a coherent thought, “a gun.” The agent beside Olivia tilts his head. “In her underwear?” The couch flickers out again. “In the couch.”. 4 April 2015 SOURCE wingsofnight: lightedwindows replied to your post “Give me two shows and one word and I’ll write a crossover drabble.” Ncisla, fringe, couch. “Uh, Kens?” “What?” she yells, the word obfuscated by the toothbrush hanging from her mouth.

“You’ve gotta come in here. Like, right now.” She finishes brushing, spits and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.

She pads barefoot to her living room, tugging at the edge of her underwear as she goes. “What’s so impo-” She stops herself, her legs completely abandoning their course. “What the hell?” Deeks is standing in her living room, and her couch is there, but it’s not her couch, it’s - “Did you do this?” “What, buy you a new couch? No.” He runs his hands through his hair. “It’s doing it by itself.” She moves closer to him. “Doing what by itself?” There’s a flicker, light wavers, wiggles almost - and then her couch is back, just as it was before she left the room. “That,” he says.

“Oh, that.” There’s a knock on the door. Deeks looks at her, his face contorted in confusion that mirrors his own, before opening the door to reveal a man and a woman in matching FBI windbreakers. “FBI Agent Olivia Dunham,” says the woman. We were wondering if -” The flicker happens again and her couch is once again replaced by the couch that is not her own but actually might be an upgrade.