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The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for CAT 2e - Download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online. Download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd. Flag for inappropriate. Arun Sharma - Verbal Ability. Verbal Critical Reasoning Questions This subtest consists of 3 passages. Each text is followed by 4 statements. • Read the passage and determine the correct answer: o Choose True if the statement has to be true according to the passage. O Choose False if statement has to be false according to the passage.
The Pearson Guide to Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning for the CAT provides balanced coverage of both verbal ability and logical reasoning. The book also includes invaluable methods and hints that will fine-tune the interpretative and problem-solving skills of the readers. A careful study of this comprehensive manual will go a long way in preparing a student, not only for the CAT but also for their career. Disclaimer - 100% Authentic. Available only for Physical Delivery.
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Author: Sinha Nishit K ISBN: Genre: File Size: 73.10 MB Format: PDF Download: 690 Read: 206 An Introduction to the CAT: Tips from an IIM Alumnus is the outcome of several years of the author’s experience in coaching students for the MBA entrance examinations. This comprehensive guide prepares the candidate for each section and stage of the management school entrance exams, building confidence and instilling a systematic approach. The guide is focused and to-the-point.
It is systematic, and features section-wise handling of the verbal reasoning, data interpretation and analytical reasoning, and quantitative aptitude sections. The book also includes tips and guidelines for the case studies, group discussion and the interview build confidence and enhance skills. An extensive practice drill through selected practice questions and their solutions is also provided. Author: Sinha ISBN: Genre: File Size: 67.99 MB Format: PDF, ePub, Mobi Download: 364 Read: 834 The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude for CAT 2/e has everything you need to secure a top score in the quantitative aptitude papers of the CAT and other MBA entrance examinations.
Written in a student-friendly style, this book explains concepts in a concise manner and includes numerous examples and worked-out problems. It also contains ample practice problems, scientifically designed and arranged in four levels (in an increasing order of difficulty). The text also contains a chapter on Vedic mathematics, which provides unique time-saving and easy techniques for complex calculations. Author: Nishit K.
Sinha ISBN: 498 Genre: File Size: 90.69 MB Format: PDF, Docs Download: 767 Read: 928 The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT, 2e is a complete comprehensive package for Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation section of the CAT. The author has extensively updated chapters like Number System, Equations, Co-ordinate Geometry, and others as per the recent examination pattern. New exercises with different difficulty levels and benchmarking tests have been provided along with alternate methods of solving them. This would help students to strengthen their basic concepts, clarity on theory, build speed and accuracy for the CAT and other MBA entrance examinations.