Chek List Otkritiya I Zakritiya Smeni Kafe

Chek List Otkritiya I Zakritiya Smeni Kafe 3,9/5 4088 reviews

Location, history of locations and security zones- one of the main functions of the MyKi TM watch is to send information about the location of your child to the MyKi Watch application. In the location menu you can always know where your child is at all times of the day when you are not together. You can switch to the “History of locations”, where you can see the movement of your child throughout the whole day and set security zones- these are the places in which you know your child is in safety. You will be notified when your child is entering and leaving them. Location, history of locations and security zones- one of the main functions of the MyKi TM watch is to send information about the location of your child to the MyKi Watch application. In the location menu you can always know where your child is at all times of the day when you are not together.

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You can switch to the “History of locations”, where you can see the movement of your child throughout the whole day and set security zones- these are the places in which you know your child is in safety. You will be notified when your child is entering and leaving them.

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