Championship Manager 03 04 Training Schedules

Championship Manager 03 04 Training Schedules 3,5/5 5737 reviews

Championship Manager 3 is a game in the Championship Manager series of football. There were many small changes and improvements to the gameplay, including an improved match-engine, customisable training schedules, more cup. Season 02/03 Quiz 4 Season 03/04 5 Championship Manager (2005) 2006.

There is a lot talked about training plans, how to get the most out of players. Almost everyone has a different view, so I thought that I would conduct some scientific tests to determine what factors will related to training, coaches and player attributes will have the greatest impact. To start the tests, I have chosen AC Horsen in the Danish Premier League. This is partly because the Danish Premier is a small league, so it should be failry quick to play a season in holiday mode, but also because the board have no great expectations, so if I am messing about, I should at least be able to survive the season without the sack! I have re-run some of the tests with other clubs (Bristol Rovers, Ascoli and Adelaide Utd) to confirm some surprising results, but more of that later. AC Horsen has an average training ground (10), a small squad (23 players) an average assistant and 3 average coaches.

Championship Manager 03 04 Training Schedules

All staff have been given very long contracts to avoid them being poached by other clubs (particularly when they become “super coaches”) I particularly don’t like using “Fitness” coaches for anything other than fitness work, but I have no grounds for this. It will be interesting to see whether Henrik Larsen confirms my predjudice. I will be playing matches in holiday mode using the crusade tactic which appears to match well with the players available and should allow most to get a game. To measure improvement, I am using CM Scout and the “Scout Rating” column. Having started a game, I entered all of the players ratings into a spreadsheet and averaged them out. It came to 55.39% and this will be my base line.

All test will start with this save game (and I have made it read only to avoid any accidents) The first test was a simple one where the Goalkeepers were set to intensive Goalkeeping and all other training schedules on none. The rest of the squad were split into Fitness, Shooting, Skill and Tactics, with the main schedule on intensive and all others on none. This was to find out which attributes were affected by each schedule. The results showed that Fitness: Acceleration, Agility, Jumping, Pace, Stamina, Strength and Reflexes Shooting: Finishing and Long Shots Skill: Crossing, Dribbling, Heading, Passing, Set Pieces, Tackling and Technique Tactics: Decisions, Marking, Off the Ball, Positioning and Teamwork Goalkeeping: Handling Aggresion, Anticipation, Balance, Bravery, Creativity, Determination, Flare, Influence and Work Rate as well as all the hidden attributes are not affected by any training. Some may change over time, but this would be outside of any training regime. Some interesting findings here.

I would certainly want my GKs to be taking on Fitness attributes and the Positioning from Tactics would also help. Similarly, I would want my Attackers to be gaining from the positioning and off the ball improvements from Tactics. It may be early, but already I can see myself making some changes to my thinking. The second test looked to see if the number of coaches influenced the training. First I ran the season with exactly the coaches I started with and measured the improvement on CM Scout.

The average was now 57.29%, an average improvement of 1.9%. Next I released all of the coaches, and the assistant. Flash thermoflash digi 2 english manual zhiyun 3.

This time the figure came to 54.57%, so we have dropped on average 0.82%. No big shock there – having coaches does appear to make a difference.

Next I signed up 2 pretty average coaches and tested again The improvement was 1.93% which is a negligible difference over having the original assistant and 3 coaches. This was a big surprise, so I tested the original and 5 coaches couple of times with the same results, it always came out on or around the same figures (sometimes worse). I repeated this with the other clubs mentioned just to confirm, and there is no appreciable difference between having an assistant and 3 coaches to an assistant and 5 coaches. I would love it if others could replicate this quick test with their clubs to confirm my findings which I still don’t fully believe.

The next tests will look at how improving the training facilities improves the training. I will be looking at Player attributes, Coach attributes and whether more intensive training does result in more injuries, however if anyone has a test they would like me to try, let me know. Improving Training Facilities This one I thought was a no brainer. Improve the training facilities and the players train better. That certainly appeared to be the case when I reduced the standard of the training facilities to Awful (a 1 rating). A run through the season as before resulted in an average player improvement of 1.53%. This was less than the default training from the previous tests, which is what I expected.

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