Billing Software Source Code In Vb6 Array Statement

VigneshKumar957 5-May-17 5:16 5-May-17 5:16 Suppose i have one Row Printer like dot matrix with Roll based printer. I want the above code should work with Roll Printer and also it should print only the printing area. I will explain what i am saying. Suppose i have Roll Printer and i am doing print with only three or four lines of invoice entry in this case ( using your code) the paper will print lines and leave empty space for remaining page?). Because i developed sample code with PrintDialog and ran then it is leave empty space for my case. My requirement is i have to print only content and then stop leaving empty page.
Please send me the code for Arun_g 14-Sep-13 1:39 14-Sep-13 1:39 Thanks for the article it helped me a lot but my problem is in my report i could see the headers(title 1, title 2) but when i print it the data starts printing from the order details part the header part is missing in the print out and could not find the reason for it. This happens when i print it form the print preview (print option) and works fine when printed directly with print button but i need it to be printed from the print preview option Please help me regarding the issue.
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Thanks in advance for the reply.
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